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Today I’m answering your questions!

If you have a question you’d like answered in a future episode, please email me at

[01:19] Question 1. What if lip trills really don’t work for me? (in response to Episode 5)

My lip trill tutorial video:

Helpful YouTube videos on straw phonation:

[08:12] Question 2. What if I don’t get nervous when I’m performing? (in response to Episode 4

[13:40] Question 3. How do I sing a song that’s making me cry?

Michèle Voillequé is a singer and a voice teacher living in Berkeley, California. 

A transcript of this episode is available at You can subscribe to Can’t Wait to Hear You wherever you get podcasts. If you have a question about your voice or how you’re using it, please email To learn more about Michèle or to subscribe to her newsletter, visit

Our music is thanks to Katya and Ada.

The show is edited by K.O. Myers at Particulate Media.

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