
My teaching philosophy: if it’s not play, it’s not working

Lessons include breathing exercises, all kinds of vocalizing, and working on songs or texts that are interesting or important to you. If you just want to “figure out how the darn thing works,” and not work on anything specific, we can do that, too. 

I’m happy to teach music fundamentals (music theory, note reading, ear training), and I am brilliant at making that fun. Most of this works as well over Zoom as it does in person.

It is a huge leap of faith to work with a teacher.
a line drawing of a bicycle on a path that will take it up a big hill; caption is "Pedal faster before the hill (engage your support before the pitch goes up)"

How we sound to ourselves isn’t how we sound to other people

Sound travels differently through the body than through the air, and what you hear depends on where you are.

Our friends hear our voicemail and think it sounds fine, just like us. They’re used to hearing us through the air – for them it’s the only option.

We hear our voicemail and think, “I sound weird,” or sometimes even, “I sound terrible!”  Our voice hasn’t changed, how we’re hearing our voice has changed. 

Teaching and studying voice asks a lot of both of us.

You can’t know what you sound like to me. I can’t know what you sound like to yourself. Neither of us can see or touch all of the parts of the instrument we’re trying to train, and the instrument is fundamental to your sense of self, safety and well-being.

Put the wrong two people in a room together, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
Put the right two people in a room and lessons are alchemy at its sweetest. 

close up of a smiley face on a piano key

Let’s find out if we’re
a good fit.


Leslie M

The immediate observation and feedback of a well-trained teacher has been invaluable in helping me make steady improvements. This has also been important in overcoming those days where I just feel like I can’t make a good sound. Michele knows how to listen. I am in awe of her capacity to help me visualize how to produce better sound.


I find singing to be a very empowering and centering practice. I was looking for lessons that were challenging but not too intense or high-stakes. Michèle’s have always challenged me but are also infused with lightness and humor. I feel more connected to my body and voice after singing lessons with Michèle.

David D

Michele is a master at helping people who are nervous about singing or learning feel comfortable enough to try and to make progress.

Camille C

Michele is always patient, supportive and creative in the way she coaches me to a better result. She makes lessons collaborative and not intimidating.


How can you help my speaking voice?

If your voice tires easily, or sounds too raspy, too high, too nasal, too breathy, or too whatever for your liking, there’s probably something we can do about it. I’ll show you how to:

- release unnecessary tension that makes speaking harder than it needs to be

-connect with your breath and a grounded sense of yourself – this is especially helpful when giving presentations.

-speak louder or softer without feeling like you’re shouting or whispering – in other words, find a new happy medium

-effectively practice, so the improvements are lasting

What should I bring to my first lesson?

Bring whatever feels important, real and true. If that’s just yourself, that’s just fine.

Alternatively, you can bring three lists. They will be a great starting point for our work together.

Singers, make a list of songs (or maybe just one song) that you could sing even if someone woke you up in the middle of the night and said, "Sing me a song!"

Then make second list of songs (or maybe just one song) that you enjoy singing but that have a problem – the chorus is too high, or the bridge is too weird, or there's a long note at the end that you can never hold long enough. 

Then make a third list of songs (or maybe just one song) that makes you think, "If I could sing that then I would be a real singer." Songs you aspire to. Songs you long to be able to sing.

Give yourself some time to make these lists. Often, when people sit down to make them, they can't think of anything. Keep a pencil and paper handy for a couple of days. The songs will probably come to you out of the blue – when you're in the shower, doing the dishes, driving across town...

For speakers, the first list is things that you say all the time. Maybe it's your standard answer to the question, "What do you do?" or part of a talk that you could give in your sleep. A list of phrases that you say automatically.

On the second list are texts, sentences or situations that you struggle with. Maybe it's really easy for you to explain the kinds of problems you solve but when someone asks you how much you charge, you get tongue-tied. Maybe there's a phrase that you trip over all the time like it's a tongue twister. Maybe there's a person or situation that always throws you off your game, and you cannot avoid them.

The third list is what you dream of being able to do – give a TED talk, make a proposal without your voice shaking, memorize your favorite text, give a really good podcast interview. 

What if I can’t carry a tune?

Very few people are actually tone deaf. If you can hear the difference between a statement and a question, and can tell an interesting story, I believe I can teach you to carry a tune.

If you mean that you sing wrong notes sometimes, so do I. Really. Even in public. It doesn’t mean you don’t have talent.

Or, maybe you empathize with Mr. B, a hospice patient I met over a decade ago ago at the San Francisco VA Hospital.

I say, “How about we sing a song together?”

Mr. B says, “I can’t carry a tune in a bucket!”

Well, when I walked into the room, he was humming, so I challenged him to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We sing it all the way to the end. And then Jingle Bells. And then Deck the Hall. He carries the tunes well.

“But that’s not singing…” he says.

That is singing. Singing, according to the dictionary, is making musical sounds with the voice, esp. words to a set tune.

I learn that Mr. B thinks he can’t carry a tune because he can’t sing songs that he doesn’t know.

The finest singers in the world can’t sing songs they don’t know.

Mr. B thinks it’s not singing when it’s a song you learned as a child.

Some of the best songs are the ones we learned as children.

Sing the songs you know. Sing with other people. Ask for help. Choose a song that speaks to you and begin to learn it.

I hear a lot of people get so hung up on whether their singing is any good that they don’t allow themselves to sing at all.

Every singer I know makes not so good sounds every time they sing. Everyone’s voice needs to warm up. I can show you how.

What are Zoom lessons like?

"Over Zoom we have to communicate a lot more. For example, in-person, you could always see what my posture looked like but on Zoom we have to be way more verbally explicit about what my stomach or chest or shoulders are doing, so that’s been an adjustment. But otherwise I think you’ve made the online lessons really smooth – you’ve figured out all the tricks on Zoom, and the recordings that you send over after lessons are really helpful too." – Salma

"I had a few lessons in person and enjoyed them! Michèle has a lovely space to practice and learn in, and I think you can get a lot of nuance from in-person meetings that might get lost over Zoom. But you can get a LOT out of Zoom! It's really easy to share information from the internet quickly - say finding a piece of music or lyrics. It's also very convenient! And since I moved to the East Coast, it's what's kept me able to continue practicing. So I love Zoom lessons!" –AMM

Can I record my lessons?

You’re welcome to record your lessons if that helps your learning. Please don’t put us on YouTube!

How much do one-on-one lessons with you cost?

A 50-minute trial lesson costs $150. If after a trial lesson we find we’re a good fit for one another, we’ll schedule regular lessons at a mutually agreeable time, either weekly or bi-weekly. 

I find that for most people, five months is a good initial commitment. Developing and integrating new habits takes time and practice. There will be a few course corrections. Most of my students study with me for at least a year and, in many cases, longer.

A package of 10 lessons costs $1500. You can pay all at once or as we go. 

I accept cash, check, credit/debit card, Paypal, Venmo and Zelle.

My schedule is quite full (January 2025). Committing to at least 10 lessons will help ensure your spot. 

Do you sell gift certificates?

The best thing to do, if you want to give a loved one voice lessons, is to ask them to schedule a free consultation with me so we can figure out if we're a good fit. 

That might not feel as fun as springing it on them, but the gift – if it's the right thing – will be better received. 

You and I can sort out the payment details later. 

What’s your refund and cancellation policy?

If you find you are unable to use lessons you’ve paid for in advance, I will gladly refund the balance, minus a $30 processing fee, within seven (7) business days of your refund request. Submit your refund request in writing within six (6) months of the purchase date. Email is fine.

Please give 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson. No-shows and late cancellations are charged a $50 fee. 

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