Work with Me

Time with me expands your range.
You expanded = the World improved.

There’s a lot you can learn from singing in a choir and watching TED Talks or other YouTube videos, but nothing can beat the vocal and emotional growth that happens when a kind person with a well-trained ear listens to you and shows you how to use your body to its best advantage.

Whether you would like your voice to sound more compelling – smoother, deeper, richer…
or you’d like to access more power – a better tone, greater ease, a fuller breath…
or you just want to feel better about yourself, constructive, compassionate feedback makes all the difference.

We grow when we’re deeply listened to.

old-fashioned drawing of the ear, including the auditory tube and the nasal part of the pharynx

Work with me live and in-person in Berkeley, California, or remotely over Zoom:

Changing your voice will change the rest of you.
Your whole Self is the instrument.

Changing your voice will change the rest of you. Your whole Self is the instrument.

I can’t wait to hear you.

black and white headshot of Michèle smiling into the camera



Singing lessons help you to make subtle adjustments in how you breathe and sing, and I need patient, kind help in getting out of my own way. Michele provides that. I love Michele!

Saill W

Michèle is a gentle, funny, patient, miracle worker. Who sings like an angel. Her friendly, easy-to-understand tips and pointers have done wonders for how I use my voice, and how I feel about it.

Cynthia L

Michele is so easy to feel safe and relaxed with, that I forgot about my nervousness.


I sang at [an open mic] last week and I think I sang well, in part because some of the habits and information you sought to instill in me seeped through and found a permanent home in my thick skull. What I also know with certainty is that I never would have been performing in front of an audience at all but for your encouragement. I am extremely grateful to you.

The best place to learn about my upcoming performances, workshops and other projects is to join my mailing list. Unsubscribe at any time.

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