In a Group

Single Session Workshops

close up of a smiley face on a piano key

Wednesdays at St. Alban's

Wednesdays October 30, November 13, December 4 – class cancelled on December 18 due to a scheduling conflict. Please check back in the New Year!

7:00 - 8:15 PM

1501 Washington Ave., Albany, CA

Singing is good for us! 

Come sing!

Breathing well calms the nervous system.
Spending time with other people reminds us we’re not alone.
Singing in harmony lets us practice “holding our own” without the pressure of soloing.

We’ll start by warming up and then singing simple – but not boring – songs.
The notes will be easy enough so that you can pay attention to how you’re singing, not just what.
Harmony will happen, and you won’t have to think very hard about it.
This class is about process not perfection.

The goal is to practice being present,

to practice listening,
to practice feeling at home in our bodies while making a good and easy sound.

There will be plenty of space.
Invite your friends.
Maybe bring a water bottle.
We’re going to sound AMAZING!

Save these dates:

October 30
November 13
December 4 & 18 – CLASS CANCELLED DEC 18 DUE TO A SCHEDULING CONFLICT. Please check back in the New Year!

Come to one or all.

In the meantime, you might enjoy these podcast episodes: 
My Top 5 Tips for Singers
Harmony Singing Q &A

Ask A Music Teacher Anything

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

9:00 AM

Are you confused by your child’s music theory homework?
Are you fighting about practice time?

Do you 


Workshop 2

Sunday, April 16, 2023

2:00 PM

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Vivamus eros augue, vestibulum sed consectetur eget, consequat et magna. Aliquam maximus velit vitae massa viverra molestie. Nullam ac sem vestibulum, aliquet ligula et, fermentum nulla. Nullam erat odio, volutpat pharetra.

Multi-Session Workshops

square black and white headshot of Michèle, smiling into the camera

Get Ready With Me!

Tuesdays, March 12, 19, 26 and April 2

7:00 PM

on Zoom

Do you wish your singing wasn’t so “hit or miss”?
Do you want to speak more confidently?
Are you tired of sounding raspy, froggy, exhausted or squeaky?

Before you decide, “I just don’t have the knack for this,” ask yourself, have I warmed myself up properly?

Here’s the thing nobody tells you:

Everyone needs to warm up.
Even Beyoncé.
Even Sir Ian McKellen.
Even you.

I can show you how.

Maybe you’d like to…

  • sound amazing even at the beginning or the end of the day

  • make singing a regular part of your life just because it’s fun

  • feel more prepared and less vocally stressed when you’re giving presentations

  • get back into choir or community theater but you feel “rusty” and self-conscious about auditioning

The time to start is now!

When you Get Ready With Me you’ll…

  • learn how to warm up your voice for singing or speaking, without a piano

  • learn how to build a routine that strengthens your voice over time

  • work with your microphone on or off – your choice

  • get help for your specific issues

  • choose whether to perform for the group (2 mins or less), giving you the chance to manage all the butterflies and nervousness that come with the spotlight. This is great for audition prep!


  • Our class meets on Tuesdays, March 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 2024 from 7-8 p.m. Pacific. I’ll send you the Zoom link after you register.

  • You’ll get the most out of the class if you attend live, and the classes will be recorded and available to re-watch through May 31, 2024.

  • Complete beginners to vocal technique, or public speaking, or both are completely welcome!

  • The tuition is a total bargain compared to studying with me privately. Plus, you get the benefit of a group learning environment. One of the best ways to learn how to improve your own voice is by listening to other people work on theirs.

  • If you find after the first session that this just isn’t for you, I’ll gladly refund $175.

multi-colored flowers against adobe fence

Yes, You Can Sing in Harmony

Tuesdays, April 16, 23, 30 and May 7

7:00 PM

IN PERSON in North Berkeley

Would you like to work on your harmony singing?

Join me and a few others (min. 4, max. 8) in my Berkeley living room on four Tuesdays:

April 16, 23, 30 and May 7, from 7-8:15 p.m.

That’s right, this is an IN-PERSON group class – my first in almost a zillion years.

We’ll start with simple rounds and American folk songs and branch out from there, depending on the comfort level of the group.

Complete beginners are absolutely welcome, and if you’re more experienced, there will be challenges for you, too.

Worried about your vocal tone? breath support? No need! I will help with that.

And if there’s a song you’d love to learn to sing in harmony, let me know. I’m taking requests.


Singing in harmony teaches you to hold your own – to hold your own part, yes, and also to “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs,” in the rest of life.

Harmony singing strengthens your centered sense of Self. It coaxes you out of ingrained patterns of self-doubt because it teaches you how to listen to others without getting pulled into their drama (or, in this case, notes).

Put another way, harmony singing teaches you that there is a “me” and a “you” and an “us” that sounds fantastic when you and I are our best, most present selves.


Maybe. We all make sounds we’re ashamed of sometimes. Yes, me, too. And when you’re in a smaller group, there really is nowhere to hide. The good news is, if we can hear it, we can explore ways to fix it.

If you’re afraid that your wrong/squeaky/gravelly note will cause the sky to fall, this class is a great place to heal from that. My house would have collapsed hundreds of thousands of times over if disappointing notes were remotely that powerful!

And I’m sure that everyone will take a turn at sounding not-so-great. There’s grace enough for all of us.


It is definitely therapeutic. You’re never too old for it. No matter how much harmony singing you’ve done, there’s always more to learn. There’s always more of your Self and your voice to find.

Come with curiosity, compassion and courage. The music is waiting for you…


  • Our class meets IN PERSON in North Berkeley on Tuesdays, April 16, 23, 30 and May 7, 2024 from 7-8:15 p.m. Pacific. I’ll send you the street address when you register.

  • Complete beginners to harmony singing are completely welcome!

  • You don’t need to be able to read sheet music. We’ll be learning mostly by ear; sheet music will be provided for reference. 
  • One of the best ways to learn how to improve your own voice is by listening to other people work on theirs.

  • If you find after the first session that this just isn’t for you, I’ll gladly refund $175.

I teach group classes a few times a year. Get on my mailing list to be sure to hear about them.

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