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Podcast, How-to, RESOURCES

Vocal Remedies that Really Work

What should you take when your throat feels scratchy, phlegmy or just plain awful? Science has an answer for you! Listen in to learn what the research says about honey, lemon, ginger and a host of other remedies. I also share what works for me, including some of my favorite recipes. 

stuffed animal penguin leaning against a soccer ball pillow


I throw things at my students

Well, we throw things back and forth. It helps more sound to come out of the body.

spying a tree through a hole in the fence


How we sound to ourselves isn't how we sound to everyone else!

Play along at home as we conduct a science experiment! If you’ve ever hated the sound of your recorded voice, this video is for you. You’ll want to listen without headphones to get the most benefit.

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Comfort, Confidence, How-to, Podcast
Episode 43: How to Get Out of Our Own Way
This week, I’m giving myself permission to rest, to be patient with myself, and to resist the feeling that I’m not doing enough.
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Breathing, How-to, Podcast
Episode 42: Some Ways to Think about Breath Support
Few things are both as universal and personal as our breath. Everyone needs good breath support to sing or speak effectively, and we all describe what that feels like differently.
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Breathing, Podcast, Vocal health
Episode 41: Three Skills You Need, Regardless of Vocal Style
Here is my take on how genres differ from one another, and three basic skills you need to bring any song to life.
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Breathing, Change, Confidence, Podcast
Episode 40: Why Private Lessons for Choral Singers are a Good Idea
You can learn a lot from singing in a good choir or chorus, and having one-on-one lessons will more effectively show you how to make the most of your instrument.
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Change, Confidence, Podcast
Episode 39: "I love music, but I'm not musically inclined."
Do you know someone who thinks that making music is beyond their reach? Please send them this episode!
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Breathing, Comfort, Podcast
Episode 38: My Mom and Leading By Example
We all manage disappointment in our own way, but we have to work at it. Not surprisingly, I use singing to help me. I hope this personal story gives you some tools to help you through any difficult time.
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Breathing, How-to, Podcast
Episode 37: Using Your Breath Generously, or Me and the Mack Truck
When I’m singing long phrases, I lean on a vivid image from my childhood, of a massive truck sharing the narrow mountain highway with my tiny family car.
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Change, How-to, Podcast
Episode 36: Capable of More
This week anyway, I feel that life is a bit of a dance around this idea, "I am capable of more."

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